Friday, January 14, 2005


I don’t have a Ph.D. or a M.D. Neither do I have a G.E.D, but I do have a B.A. not full of B.S. I’m no psychiatrist or psychologist, just a writer and graphic artist. Welcome to "Chocolate Covered Banana", my first blog! My name is Jade. Enjoy your stay. This place houses some of my thoughts turned words. Some writings are thoughts featured on other sites, while others head straight to here. Here I talk about things that are on my mind or on my heart.

A little bit about myself: I am a twenty-two year old, black female. I am my mommy's little "radical". By that, I mean I am something that many like myself are not. I'm black, but my voter registration card will never say Democrat, I'm female, but you'll never catch me dead reading Ms. Magazine. In other areas, my music of choice is not rap, but soft rock 80's (I love you, Phil Collins!) and I don't have any "babies daddies", let alone babies. "Stereo" does not describe my scenario. The people listed to my page's right are my role models and remind me I am not alone in the many things I believe and think. I like the wittiness of Ann Coulter, the charm of Ben Chapiro, the wisdom of Bill Cosby and Mychal Massie, the anti-feminist spirit of Carey Roberts and Phyllis Schlafly, the determination of D. West, the common sense of Dr. Laura, the in your faceness of the "Gonzman", the intellect of La Shawn Barber, the take charge attitude of Larry Elder, the sense of humor of Niger Innis, the uniqueness of Michelle Malkin, the funny sarcasm of Mike Adams, the drive (to help others) of Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson and Star Parker, the spirituality of T.D. Jakes and the no-nonsense attitude of Walter E. Williams.

Well, like I said before, enjoy your stay. And when you've had enough of my site, you may want to visit the other sites listed in my links section. They are quite...interesting...


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