Feminism's more than just a "cruel hoax"
Modern Feminism: The Anti-Marriage, Anti-Christian, Anti-Male, Anti-Child Movement
November 21, 2004
What is Feminism?
According to the American Heritage Dictionary, the term “Feminism”, a noun, is defined as:
“The belief in the social, political and economical equality of the sexes. The movement organized around this belief.”
Now, with a cut and dry definition like that, you’d think everyone would be running to become a feminist, right? Truth be told, they’re not. Some people, both men and women, are even against this movement. Feminism is not as cut and dry as it seems, nor is it as innocent. Many subcategories within Feminism paint it as a complex and even disturbing movement. Some of the more famous subcategories of Feminism are Amazon Feminism, Eco Feminism, Gender Feminism, Pop Feminism and Radical Feminism. There are many kinds of “feminisms” but their definitions all differ from the above dictionary definition and from each other.
Feminism: All about Equality and All Good?
Do Feminists really want equality? Some say they do. But if Feminism is only about “equal rights” or “equality of the sexes”, why only some want it and not all? Also, when presented with an opportunity to be treated equally with men, why do their actions prove otherwise (as in the case of their opposition to the University of California’s Proposition 209)? The truth is, many Feminists oppose equality between the sexes; instead, they want to dominate men because of supposed domination from them over the years. A “Liberated Woman, Boronia”, was featured in the Letter to the Editor section of Melbourne, Australia’s February 9th, 1996 edition of the Herald-Sun saying, “Who cares how men feel or what they do or whether they suffer? They have had over 2,000 years to dominate and made a complete hash of it. Now it is our turn. My only comment to men is, if you don't like it, bad luck - and if you get in my way I'll run you down.”1
Feminism usually boasts that it has brought about good changes in society with regards to women. Now a woman has a choice where there once was none. She now has the choice to vote, to have as many children as she wants, where she can work, etc. But you will never hear out of that same mouth about how Feminism has actually made women even more dependent on men and the government. According to Rachel Alexander’s article, The Problem with Today’s Feminism, “Feminism claims to empower women to become the equals of men. Yet the painful truth is that feminism has gradually metamorphosed into a movement that trains women to gain government imposed advantages over men, while at the same time remaining dependent upon men’s money and the government, all under the false rhetoric of “rights” and “empowerment.””2 But these two things are not the only “evils” of Feminism. In addition, not only is Feminism not about equality, it is anti-marriage, anti-Christian, anti-male and anti-child.
Feminism and Marriage:
“Since marriage constitutes slavery for women, it is clear that the women's movement must concentrate on attacking this institution. Freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage.” – Shelia Cronan, Radical Feminist leader
Do you know ever since Modern Feminism has been introduced in the United States, marriage rates have been declining and divorce rates are on the rise? In 1970, 68 percent of adults lived as married couples. By 1999, however, that figure was down to 56 percent. Also, there were 2.2 million couples married in 1999, but half of that number, 1.1 million, of married couples divorced that year. 1 million divorces have happened annually since the late 1970’s. In Canada, since the introduction of “no-fault” divorce, the percentage of divorce has gone up 600%.3 More and more wives today, two-thirds of the time, are initiating divorce (71.4% in 1975, 65% in 19884). Because laws work in a woman’s favor (read: bias toward men), the ex-wife is more than likely to get most of their property and custody of, if the relationship produced any, the children. The father, paying child support, will have to fight to see his children because of the mother’s own hostility and the courts seldom enforcing punishment for breach of visitation rights.
Feminism and the Bible:
“By the year 2000 we will, I hope, raise our children to believe in human potential, not God.” – Gloria Steinem, author of The Feminine Mystique
Can you be a Feminist and a Christian? Eco Feminism, one of the many types of Feminism, teaches its followers that anything female (spirit) is a goddess and anything male (matter) is therefore inferior. An old “New Age” philosophy known as Gnosticism, “to know” –ism, ties into this type. Gnosticism teaches that God is an idiot and that a female goddess, Sophia, also known as “Dame Wisdom”, is above Him. “Heavenly” Eve is shown as delivering Adam from ignorance instead of helping to bring sin into the world. Gnosticism also teaches women that self-realization and self-fulfillment are steps to becoming fully divine. Satan is shown as “an instructor” instead of “a tempter” like he is in the Bible. Jesus Christ, the one who died on the cross, is a laughing stock and not the true Savior.5 Anne Lori Gaylor’s quote from the 1988 Humanist reflects her feelings on Christ in regards to Feminism. “Let's forget about the mythical Jesus and look for encouragement, solace, and inspiration from real women. 2,000 years of patriarchal rule under the shadow of the cross ought to be enough to turn women towards the feminist salvation of the world.”
Feminism and Men:
“All men are rapists and that's all they are.” – Marilyn French, author of The Women's Room
Radical Feminists believe that men (patriarchal society) are the cause of their problems. They believe men, throughout all of history, are oppressors and that women are the oppressed. This teaching is the heart of “Women’s Studies” courses across the country. When not being deemed “oppressors” by feminists, men are also labeled as “incompetent” and “worthless”. Gone are the days where a man’s decisions were valued and upheld; now they are ignored, belittled and second-guessed. Back in the days when family was tight and first, family members could go to their husband/father with their problems and his input was appreciated. Men as husbands and fathers were respected by peers, were a hero in the eyes of his children and felt truly needed by his family. Now, in today’s America, men are idiots and are not needed when raising children. Through the years, the media has helped in perpetuating that men are worthless and idiots. Look on TV today and you are bound to find not only shows, but also commercials demeaning to men. Earthlink, AOL, Verizon, other companies and prime time shows have all had their share of portraying men in a negative light. One Eartlink commercial shows a woman, while talking to the viewer, using her Earthlink service to look up remedies as her bumbling husband outside does one stupid thing after another, getting hurt. A Verizon commercial that has been brought to light by Fatherhood activists features a clueless father who is told to go wash the dog by his wife instead of trying to help his daughter with her homework.6 Feminist propaganda has taught women children do not need a father to help raise them, when in actuality they do. Not only is this teaching welcoming unneeded single-parent motherhood, it is welcoming a child with future problems down the road if other role models are not present.
Feminism and Children:
“The most merciful thing a large family can do to one of its infant members is to kill it.” – Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood
Children are the most unfortunate when it comes to Feminism. In the Feminist mind, children are seen as one of the “obstacles” they must overcome in order to achieve self-fulfillment. Since Roe vs. Wade, more than an estimated 36.5 million7 children will never be born, most of whom had no deformities, no illnesses or whose mother was not in any danger when carrying them. For the children already on this earth, instead of being at home in the arms of a loving stay-at-home mother (which Feminist author Simone de Beauvoir says women shouldn’t “be authorized” to do) or father they are in a daycare with other children whose mothers aim for self-fulfillment also (or whose parents are not able to live on one income). Armed with the Feminist belief of “having it all”, many women will wait until later on in life (after they have fulfilled themselves job wise) to have children. These women, who usually are in their 30s, will find it hard to get pregnant. Women who are past the age of 27, the age when fertility starts to drop, will either have to rely on fertility drugs, adoption or give up on having children altogether. The longer a woman waits to have children, the smaller her chances of having a child are. Some women do have children in their 40s, 50s and 60s but they are the exception, not the rule.
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