Saturday, January 22, 2005


For the last couple of days I've been reading Larry Elder's book "Showdown". It's a very interesting book. Within one of the chapters is a sub-chapter about "white guilt". "White guilt" is supposedly what white people of today should be feeling for slavery, even if their families never owned slaves. Whites, according to "white guilt", are the reason black people remain downtrodden, suffer so much racism or are unable to make something of themselves.

Yeah right...

Earlier this week we celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. Day. This should be a day of rejoicing, celebrating that we as black people have come a long way from back when he was alive. At a forummate's college however, they had a "racism workshop" or in other words, a "white guilt workshop". The speaker at this workshop did nothing but moan and complain about whites and that they are the reason why black people suffer.

I was going to post something else today. But Larry Elder's book coupled with the remembrance of this nonsense is making my post this.

Whitey is Black
December 23, 2004

For as long as can remember, the way white people had done black people wrong was a hot topic in my house. “White people have done (insert random atrocious deed here),” was more times than not uttered at the dinner table. As it was put, the white man was evil, is evil and will always be evil. They were racist and took pride in keeping black people down then, now and forever. When faced with questions of helping fellow blacks overcome these “apparent” injustices the excuses began to flow. “I’m too old.” or “I can’t do it.” Instead of taking up the torch to help black people better themselves, continuing to be a “victim of the white man” and complain was much easier to do. Some black people blame their bad situations on white people. If they weren’t able to be something in life or do something in life, it’s always white people’s fault. They honestly believe their decisions or attitudes never influenced anything. These same black people in their effort to keep “blaming whitey” do not want to look in the mirror and realize the truth. Whitey is black.

Some black people can not stand it when another black person speaks intelligently. We have to use “slang”, cuss words, demeaning words and fragments when talking to people. “Where them tickets is at?” or “What’s up, my “nigga”?” are two such examples of what comes out of black people’s mouths these days. If a black person does, however, speak without these “necessary” items, they are deemed to be “acting white”. But it’s not whites who sit there and label our intelligent, black “brothers and sisters” this, it’s our own people! To speak intelligently and be black seems to be as common as the NAACP talking good about the Republican party. It’s a sad day when I talk to someone on the phone and they think I’m white, or when a customer compliments me saying I speak “good English” after asking me how long I’ve been living in the US. Let me refresh your memory. Whitey is black.

Successful? Some black people say, “Not if you’re black!” Although under the Reagan presidency black businesses started to flourish, many black owned small businesses today continue to fail in the first year. Not because of the white man, but because of lack of support from the people it’s supposed to be there for, black people. When it comes to children, God forbid a black child actually uses school facilities to learn, graduate at the top of their class and then go to college. “What’s the matter? You think you too good enough for us now?” is sometimes more common than “Congratulations!” Some black people feel if you were born in the ghetto, you should stay in the ghetto. Those who try to make a better lifestyle for themselves and refuse to be a victim should be ridiculed and not praised. It’s funny how some black people are slow to congratulate one another on their successes, but so fast to “tell them so” when they fail. Hey, if they failed in their endeavors, so should the rest of their people. I will say it again. Whitey is black.

Through the years I have come to a realization that is more in your face than an army drill sergeant. Black people are the most racist people. Yes, you read that right. BLACK PEOPLE are the most racist people. And not just to other races, it is also to their own. In my own house, I used to hear the “n” word as much as I heard “honky” and “cracker”. Watching the Larry Elder (yes, a black man) Show shows you the attitudes of some blacks today. White people are not to be trusted, they stink, they lie, they cheat and they could care less about black people. Can’t be trusted, stink, lie, cheat and couldn’t care less about black people seems to be a black thing as well, so your point is? I recently saw one of Larry Elder’s shows where there was a guest, an employer, who wouldn’t hire people with “black” sounding names. The reason? People he encountered with “black” sounding names were “angry” and he didn’t want that anger to infest his smooth running business. “He must have been white!” I hear some black people reading this cry. Nope, this man was one of our own, a black man. Racism still does exist, I won’t deny that, but not as many black people envision it. Also, we need to take the race card out of the deck of life and burn it. Far too many black people use it as an excuse for their bad behavior or to get out of a situation. You didn’t hear Scott Peterson say, “You’re convicting me because I’m white! Or “I did this because I’m white!” Why should black people get away with such garbage? Envision and read my lips. Whitey is black.

Our jails are overrun with black boys and men (and even women) and some blacks are quick to point out it’s because of the white man. When it comes to non-violent offenses and it’s your first time, okay, maybe the judge and jury should be lenient. But when it’s your third, fourth and again, God forbid, your fifth time, you need a harsher sentence because something’s not getting through to you. You are in charge of your own decisions, not whitey. Whitey is not some omnipotent, God like, free will hating force that surrounds you from day to day. If you chose to kill that other homeless man for that plate of peas and corn, guess what, YOU chose to kill. As an article on (real) Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson’s “Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny” site puts it, “it’s crime, not race, that puts men behind bars”. The article goes on to explain how some people when aiming not to put anymore black men in jail, their own black men, found out firsthand that no matter what race you are, if you do the crime, you do the time. Dare I say it again? Whitey is black.

You can deny it and refuse to see it all you want, but the truth remains and will always remain. Black people, stop blaming your ills on other people, especially white people. The scapegoat has grazed, fattened, been slaughtered, cooked and eaten. Like Larry Elder’s father once told him, “Don’t complain about your problems, ask what you can do about them.” Whitey is not keeping you down. YOU are keeping you down. Bitterness and animosity do not build and strengthen a person; they tear them down and weaken them. Staying a “victim of the white man” does nothing for you and the people around you and it certainly doesn’t excuse your behavior. So next time you want to sit and talk about how you’ve been wronged by the “white man”, look at yourself first. That brown skin will start looking pale in enough time. Whitey is black.


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