Saturday, January 22, 2005

To all the babies I'll never see smile...and the mothers who won't either

I know I'm a little late, but today is the 32nd anniversary of Roe vs. Wade.

32 years of a "right" that never should have happened. And because of a change of heart, "Jane Roe" thinks the same.

A couple months ago, my pastor addressed those women who had had an abortion during service. He didn't give belittling words or words of anger, he gave them words of encouragement and hope. Those who had had abortions began to come up to the alter as he spoke. The number of women, not a small amount to say the least, all had one thing in common. They had regreted their abortion.

I love children. I've wanted children since forever. It had been a dream of mine when I was a little girl in 3rd grade to have sextuplets (with God's help of course ^_^). Every time I see a child it brings a smile to my face. To see a woman who is about to bring life into this world makes me want to be able to do the same one day. To one day hold a child myself, my husband and God helped create will be the greatest reward and honor.

Some women will never be able to do this. Either because of selfishness or misinformation and pressure. They will never be able to see their child, to calm them when they cry, to hold them when they sleep, to laugh when they laugh. All because they had an abortion. Some of these women will be able to one day have another child, others find that they have been sterilized because of their abortion....and others will never wake up from the abortion table. Roe vs. Wade was supposed to give a women a "legal" and "safe" abortion. They got the legal part right.

To all the women who have had an abortion, my heart goes out to you, whether you regret it or not. Though your child is not with you in body, they are with you in spirit. And though they are not in your home safe in your loving arms, they are in Heaven safe in the loving arms of God.

Other blogs on this horrible day in history:
La Shawn Barber
Michelle Malkin


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