Thursday, May 12, 2005

Homeschooling all the way! :D

I want to homeschool my future children. With the way a lot of public schools are going, it's becoming a constant thought. But a lot of people (people I've read about or people who know my plans) sometimes bring up that tired question, "What about 'socialization'"?

Psst. Come here. It's called Home School Associations and Conferences...

The following post is by a member of a forum I go to. She helped out at a homeschool conference. These poor "unsocialized" children! We must put them in a public school!

This past week I worked as a page at a homeschooling conference, helping to run sound and introduce speakers. There were about 100 other homeschooled kids who were helping to run the conference, ranging from about 11-20, I being the eldest. In all of those kids, there were no great troublemakers and with the exception of a few oddities, most seemed to be really good kids - friendly and helpful. The people who ran the conference center later complimented us as a group, saying that we were some of the nicest people they had worked with. The homeschooling family who ran the sound and taped the sessions said that we were some of the best people they had ever worked with (my sister and I were even offered a job with them. haha - what a great family!). Godfather's Pizza complimented us as well, saying that they had never served such a nice group of people - not just a nice group of young people, a nice group of people, period.

I am not able to be around these kids very often, so it was refreshing to be around such nice, friendly kids. The "socialization" problem was a continual joke during the conference, because it was so obvious that there was no socialization problem. Homeschoolers have far more opportunities for positive socialization than public schoolers - in fact, there are so many opportunities that the hard part is limiting them to a manageable number!

Doug Phillips of Vision Forum Ministries was our keynote speaker this year, and an excellent speaker, as always. There were a few feminists who said they would not attend the conference if he was the keynote speaker, but we had him anyway. He posed some great challenges for families to have a multi-generational vision as they seek to raise up godly, strong men and feminine women. It was encouraging to hear such a strong message going out to a good sized audience! I am not sure how many people attended the two-day conference as a whole, but the room for the keynote could hold about 1000 people, and we had people standing in the back.

Anyway, I thought ya'll might like to hear about these families who are raising their kids right and are seeking to make a cultural difference. Homeschooling conferences can be a great place to meet likeminded people, and it really is encouraging to see such a large number come together with common family and cultural goals.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a great idea. there aer many books I can recommend to you about homeschooling I know people who homeschool their special needs children and they are reading before they are "supposed to" I dont know why anyp arent would want their children in government schools. the whole thought of the government raising my chid is scary.

1:22 AM  Edit Comment

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