Sunday, January 23, 2005

Ronald McDonald, the Great Fast Food Satan?

According to WorldNetDaily, the happy, clown mascot along with other animated characters could be seeing themselves on a commercials banned in Europe TV special. Europe, also battling with obesity not only in adults, but in children, sees this option as a means of curtailing the problem. McDonald's, McDonald's...*sigh*...making people fat in not only America, but Europe is well...

Can I have a side of Blame with that Too, Please?
January 23, 2005

A while back ago McDonald's was facing lawsuits brought on by obese patrons of the international franchise. Citing they had become fat thanks to McDonald's, some also suffered from ailments such as diabetes, high blood pressure and other illnesses associated with obesity. They wanted McDonald's to know what it had done to them and that they should pay the price.

I laughed.

I couldn't believe that these people didn't know what personal responsibility and restraint was. Common sense will tell you, "hey if I eat too much of this fast food and don't balance it out with good, healthy food and exercise, I run the risk of becoming obese." But not these people. Common sense to them seemed to rival that of the coffee lady a few years back who actually got rewarded for her lack thereof. How could they honestly stand before the judge and not claim responsibility for their own actions? McDonald's is not your mother, McDonald's will never BE your mother. As long as McDonald's is getting your money, they are all right. Why should they have to care about your health when you don't even care about yours? Nobody's putting a gun to your head everyday saying, "You better go to McDonald's and get the most fattiest, calorie laden meal they have and oh yeah, tell them to Super Size it!"

Speaking of "Super Sizing it" several months back an independent film came out called "Super Size Me." Morgan Spurlock, the director and chief role in the movie decides to eat nothing but McDonald's for an entire month and documents it. Notice I said "decides", as he himself decided to eat at McDonald's for a full month, his girlfriend didn't decide for him, his doctor didn't decide for him. Health problems and *gasp* weight gain ensue as every time he is asked, he agrees to have his meal "Super Sized". Other willing participants in the movie begin to tell Spurlock to abandon ship, the cost, monetary and physically becoming too much. Also within the movie, Spurlock journeys across the country interviewing experts, teachers, lawmakers and legislators on their thoughts of obese America. Some believe it is the fault of those partaking of the food, others believe it is the fault of those making the food. I know I am "misquoting" here, but what ever happened to "my body, my choice"? If you choose to eat fast food and get fat, hey, it was your choice to begin with.

Since the lawsuits, McDonald's (and other fast food chains) has begun to open up its menu to more healthier choices. Salads, milk, applesauce and other options adorn the wall menu above the registers. The only problem is even with all these new, healthy options, it doesn't guarantee people are going to do the right thing and pick them. In the end, it is still left up to personal choice and responsibility.

And my personal choice, is to continue eating at Burger King.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

BK is just as bad. A good book to read on this subject is "Fast Food Nation".


2:04 PM  Edit Comment

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