Tuesday, March 01, 2005

"Massa" George?

Sunday past I got into a discussion about President Bush with my friends. While the president is still not on the top of my A list, I feel there are some things he has done that are worth commending. My friends, however, only seemed to want to see Bush as evil incarnate, bringing up all the bad things and belittling the good. Iraqi elections? Who cares, there were no WMDs. Meeting with black pastors who were concerned with their communities? Those pastors must have ulterior motives since they were meeting with him. As they sat there and talked about George Bush like he was the ultimate evil, one of my friends said two things that show me she doesn’t research things for herself, goes by word of mouth (however messed up it may be) and makes me question her knowledge of our kind of government. The first thing was that Bush wants to bring back the draft. I remember this fiasco during the Bush and Kerry debates. Bush wants to bring back the draft no more than Kerry did. The second thing she said blew me away on so many levels. I heard from a co-worker of mine that my friend is not the only one who says and believes this.

"Bush wants to bring back slavery."

Huh? He wants to what? I don’t...get...it. And even if he did, how? Not only do we have an amendment banning slavery, the American people would never allow it (unless we were under some serious mass hypnotism). Last time I checked we didn’t have a dictatorship. He’s been in office for 4 years. He’s in for another 4. He’s had some time to do it if he wanted. He hasn’t and he won’t. He can’t. Also, it seems a bit hypocritical for someone to want freedom in one country, but slavery in his own. Let’s not forget that not all slaves were black (and not all black slaves were from Africa), so if George Bush were to bring back slavery, it would be trouble for everybody.

"Massa" George? Not likely. Not ever.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

its true most blacks accept democrat and so called black leaders talking points. tavis smileys recent state of the black union hosted panelists who talked of our voting rights beging taken away next year. the constant invocation of bush equals satan or hitler is ignorant. bush is not on top of my list but he is just as trustworthy in my eyes as all politician including the first "black" president Clinton

12:32 AM  Edit Comment

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