Friday, January 28, 2005

Whatever Happened to Good Old Fashioned Values?

Rogue Prom dresses and talks about Teen Sex were topics of this week that leave me sighing. What is going on with the world these days? Are traditional, "old-fashioned" values being shot and killed on sight? These such events reminded me today of an article I wrote last year. I posted this on a forum I frequent. This article dealt with my being sick of being called an "old-fashioned" girl as if it was something bad. When compared to what I could be....being old-fashioned seems SO much better....

You Say "Old-Fashioned" Like it's a Bad Thing
September 23, 2004

Call me old-fashioned if you want to, but I will no longer apologize for it.

I think being "old-fashioned" in this modern world is a good thing. Many people would disagree, but I don't care (I've learned not to care of what people thought of me since high school. It's too much work to satisfy everyone and then some people are never satisfied).

How is being "old-fashioned" better than being "modern"?

1.) "Old fashioned" girls know the value of their body.

I view my body as a temple, which only one man is allowed to enter and exit, my husband (if and when I get married). Because of the Feminist movement, many "modern" women (thanks to the "Sexual Revolution") view their bodies as a tool or as nothing, sleeping with everyone and everything under the moon. I have always wanted to wait until marriage and will continue to do so. I feel that the ultimate gift you can give to your husband is your virginity. Some people may say, "but your gift could be staying with him your entire life." The thought that goes through my mind when someone says this? "And what if he dies the next day?" (OOPS! OH WELL! So much for giving him my entire life!). I also feel that when I get married, I don't want to be "used". If someone blows their nose on a new hankerchief and then gives it to you (with the snot still on there), would you use it? I'd hope your answer would be no as mine would. So many people these days wait for "the one". But for many people "the one" becomes "a one". If I had waited for "the one", do you know how many people I would have slept with? I'll tell you the hankerchief would be dripping. In addition, I've noticed some people I've talked to will say, "I wish I could be a virgin again/would have stayed a virgin." You mean some people wish they would have waited?! Well, I'm not wishing, I am.

2.) "Old fashioned" girls know the value of a good man

So many "modern" women want themselves a "bad boy" these days. How some women are attracted to these kind of "men", I'll never know. But then these same "modern" women will turn around and complain about how there are no "good men" out there (Well if you'd get out of your "bad boy" relationship and stay out of them, and learn how to treat a "good man" well, maybe you'd find one and keep one!) when they're everywhere. Well, my "old fashioned" behind found one, so I don't know what your problem is (oh wait, yes I do). I treat my man with love and respect and he does the same for me. When he stops treating me like his queen then I'll stop treating him like my king. I encourage him, listen to him, tell him I love him, make him things (food or otherwise), massage his feet, snuggle (childhood word of mine for "cuddle") with him and do other things to show him I appreciate him. Feminism has taught "modern" women that men don't have feelings and to treat them like trash. "Modern" women, this belief is a backfire waiting to happen and I won't be one of the unlucky ones to experience it. "Garbage in, garbage out". If you treat your man like trash, don't be surprised if one day he starts doing the same thing to you.

3.) "Old fashioned" girls know the value of children

Today's "modern" women will have their 2.5 children and put them in daycare or give them to a nanny to take care of. I'll be darned if I take the time out to have children and then leave them with someone who isn't me. You had them, take care of them! If money allows, I want to stay home and raise my children. If not me, then my husband. I love children, especially babies. Yes, they can cry up a storm and annoy you half to death, but they are still the most precious thing God can give to you. "Modern" women will look at children as a set of "ball and chains" and some won't even think twice when their irresponsible, skanky behind aborts one (or two, or three, or....). Feminism has taught "modern" women that babies, (along with men) can weigh you down on your career. Life is about sacrifies, and this is one of those times when it is called for. If you don't want to sacrifice your life for children, then don't have them. My mom sacrified many a party/event/whatever to make sure I was with her at all times. I guess that's why I didn't mind when it was my first day at school. I had no "seperation anxiety" because there was no need for none. Women if you have children, TAKE CARE OF THEM!

4.) "Old fashioned" girls value the small things

"I'm sorry" can go a long way. I think that is one of the main reasons my boyfriend and I got together. It was this small thing, two words (three for you English Majors), that made me respect him a lot. Out of all the things this man has given me, my most favorite isn't the $200 ring/earing/necklace set, it's the $5 Kuroneko-sama from Trigun cat. There are many "modern" women out there who will DEMAND from their men stuff they know darn well they can't afford. What good is a 75 bedroom, 100 bathroom house if there is only 2 people living in it? What good is a high priced car that guzzles gas like no tomorrow if you have a station wagon (I always wanted one of these, and a periwinkle one at that) that lasts on $20 for two weeks? If you are so "independant", buy it your own darn self! I didn't beg and demand my boyfriend to buy the opal ring that's on my left hand. I bought it myself! Stop being a sheep to Feminism and buy it yourself!

I've also noticed that some modern women can't do ANYTHING! Cook, clean, sew, whatever!

Why the world would you WANT to subject yourself to Old Country Buffet/McDonalds/Perkins/Burger King/Insert-Other-Restuarant-Name-Here everyday is beyond me! It's much cheaper and healthier to make food at home! If you can't cook, learn! If you can't cook good, learn from someone who does! Your body and your children will thank you. At least you have no excuse to "let yourself go" and at least your children won't be subject to schoolyard taunting because their behind is too rollypolly to play tag!

I'm not going to front like I'm the "Queen of Clean", but when the filth gets too thick or trash gets too high, CLEAN! My godparents are a perfect example. Don't hire a housekeeper, do it yourself! Stop watching Ricky Lake, Jerry Springer or Oprah! Stop talking to those no good loser friends on the phone! Clean the house! Get "Cleaning for Dummies" if it helps! Make your house a clean haven, not a filthy nightmare.

I can't really remember when my mom taught me to sew, but it had to have been when I was around seven. I can sew buttons on shirts and pants, sew doll shirts, I can even sew up a hat (See Tony Tony Chopper from the anime "One Piece" to see what I'm talking about, antlers included). I've JUST learned how to use a sewing machine and with the extra time that I'll have not sewing by hand hope to sew up a nice bedroom set, clothes and even a nice nursery set for an old co-worker of mine expecting a baby. So many "modern" women can't thread a needle, let alone sew. I guess when a button falls off or something rips they throw it away. More money down the drain...

So being "old fashioned" is a bad thing? I beg to differ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for your article! I am a 29 year old who believes in everything you have written in your article and I am tired of being punished for wanting a relationship and not sleeping with every living male on the planet! It is the girls out there that make it bad for us nice girls... I am sick of hearing let's be friends or why are you single as you are so pretty? Why? Coz I am a nice girl sadly....

10:25 PM  Edit Comment
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this article. I can not believe the way the world is today. I am only 40 yrs old but things have changed so much and not for the better. I am glad to see that some of us still hold on to these very valueable values.

11:27 PM  Edit Comment
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get with the times you whiny old cunt. Sorry that the times are a-changin' and that the kids don't care about "Jeeeessssssuuuuuusssss" anymore, but seriously quit your fucking moaning and MOVE ON. The kitchen should be the only place broads like you are allowed to be because you're fucking crazy. My mother is almost 50 and she works 60 a week and wears the pants in my family. She scares the absolute SHIT out of my Dad and she's not a "feminist ultra-liberal dyke". Now get back to baking your apple pie Aunt Bea, your husband is almost home from banging his secretary all day.

9:08 PM  Edit Comment
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i kinda agree and disagree at the same time. i can say I'm a modern woman but there's still some old fashioned girl inside me. i know how to treat my man the old fashioned way. My mom raise me to be an independent woman not old fashoned nor modern but a WOMAN..because i think woman should know how to balanced what's old and what's new :)

1:28 PM  Edit Comment
Anonymous Cam said...

I am a 19 year-old girl and I thought I was the only one who still gives importance to "old-fashioned" values. Thanks for writing this because a lot of girls my age have to read this. :)

9:08 PM  Edit Comment
Anonymous Anonymous said...

in response to... 'Get with the times you whiny old....' it's that sort of disrespect that I don't want in my bloke. Your dad is scared of your mum? what a sad life you must have lived to see that. True loving, beautiful relationships where partners respect and not fear each other is out there. I applaud your mum for working so hard, but she must have forgotten to teach you manners or simple respect for people's opinions without such hatred. Yes the times are changing, us women in your opinion are 'crazy' ... why? Becuase we hope for more than someone like you who hates the basics of what he missed in life? why are you so angry? figure that out and you might find the light and love of your life ;) best of luck

4:56 PM  Edit Comment
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lool reading this 7 years later in 2012 and I can't agree more. A proverbs 31 woman is what I aspire to be :)

1:30 PM  Edit Comment
Anonymous Y-nani JC said...


Thank you for these words... I understand and respect your old fashion values... Agree with most and disagree with few.

I was also scrolling down the comments on this article and hopes one of those young girls finds Jesus. There is no reason why someone should sound that upset over an article that supports equality in marriage.

Thanks again!

Aloha from Hawaii,
Y-Nani JC

4:01 AM  Edit Comment
Blogger American Homemaker said...

Thank you for this. I agree with you 100% I'm proud of being old fashioned!

3:30 PM  Edit Comment
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:44 AM  Edit Comment
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any girls between 19 and 22 feel like that and live near camp pendleton?
July 10 2012

12:48 AM  Edit Comment
Blogger essieheart said...

I super love this article! And I think you deserve to know that I have read a blog that I am quite sure copied this post. I was a victim of this same blogger, copying one of my published articles without acknowledging me. Please, please do something about it. Thank you!

Here's the link of the blog:

1:10 AM  Edit Comment
Blogger Unknown said...

Bravo ~ I love this article and have shared it with my friends on facebook I had just recently asked the question why so many women and young girls have no respect not only for themselves but also other people case in point ~ look at the girl with the bad language who resorted to name calling..what has happened, oh how I miss the "old days" when the only time men saw T&A was when two people got married or they watched hope you continue writing cos I will come back and read more if you do, thank you so much!

2:09 AM  Edit Comment
Anonymous Anonymous said...

whatever happened to the good old fashion women that were very much COMMITTED to their men, when they ACCEPTED their men for who they were and he didn't have that much money either?

9:58 AM  Edit Comment
Blogger Unknown said...

I Totally get what you are saying but have a bit of class. This blog was so judgemental of other people and how they live their own lives. If they don't want to live like that then that is their loss. Just because you like that was of life doesn't mean it is the right way of life. Hope you have a great life however you maybe need some anger management lol!!

3:28 PM  Edit Comment
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This article is really good! I'm 15 years old and at high school. In English we have to write about something we think is wrong with the world, and this article has inspired me to write about how having old fashioned values isn't a bad thing. This really interests me because at high school I'm seeing "cool" girls who look up to people like Miley Cyrus, put themselves out there all the time. And then I'm also seeing girls who are considered nerds because they don't want to go to school half naked. I think there is something wrong with this!
Thank you very much for inspiring me :)

8:47 PM  Edit Comment

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