Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Confessions of a Black Conservative Republican

The Littlest Republican

I am a "Reagan Republican". I was born and was growing up in DC when Reagan was the President of United States. I was a little too young to fully remember him, but all it took was the words "I like him." for my parents to know. Since then I’ve grown up. Books and the internet have given me access to information about Ronald Reagan. I still like him.

When I became voting age, my parents didn’t command me to vote Democrat like a few people I know parents did. They knew what I was and never did try to change it. Although they are both Democrat, they let me research and choose for myself. I voted for Bush in the 2000 election, but voted for Peroutka in 2004. Bush was my second pick so I wasn’t upset at his victory (and I still don’t believe I "wasted my vote" as defeatist thinkers believe). I plan to stay a Republican all my life even if I do vote for an independent party candidate here and there.

I believe in a small government that is there only when deemed needed. I believe welfare (if it has to be around) should be there for people who really need it, not for people who are too lazy to work, believe they are owed something or for women who just have baby after baby (...after baby) just to get more. I do not believe in affirmative action. I especially believe affirmative action in academia hurts more than helps. I believe the giving out of reparations for slavery is a bad idea. I myself don’t like the idea of getting money for something I never went through but what would it accomplish if we were to get reparations? Nothing. I believe abortion is wrong, period, and unfortunately the late Margaret Sanger (the founder of Planned Parenthood) would be overjoyed to know that black women are having abortions at such a high rate. I do not believe in gay marriage and not only because I feel that homosexuality is wrong. I support concealed weapons and people being able to keep their own guns in their own house. I believe in school vouchers and that politicians who oppose them should put their own children in public school.

Female. Black. Republican. Proud.

There was a point in my life where I felt alone, though not entirely, in being a black Republican/conservative. Clarence Thomas, Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice are black Republicans, but I didn’t know many other black Republicans or conservatives I could relate to. One day I decided to, for the fun of it, to look up all the political parties and their platforms through the years. It is then I discovered La Shawn Barber...a black woman...who was a conservative...from DC...who happened to have gone to college in South Carolina (I lived in SC for 13 miserable years, I still want my old DC house back)! I was overjoyed to say the least. It was about this time I discovered Larry Elder, the black libertarian Republican with a take charge attitude. Things then snowballed. Star Parker, Mychal Massie, Thomas Sowell, Armstrong Williams, Ambra Nykol, Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, Niger Innis, Roy Innis, M. H. King, Michael Cobb. If they weren’t both, they were one or the other. I also found out my boyfriend’s friend was a Republican. I even found out at least two of my sorors, famous ladies of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Sheryl Underwood and Dr. Eunice Thompson were Republican. I was and am still thrilled. I no longer felt alone. I felt proud.

You ain’t black if you ain’t Democrat!

If it’s one thing I can’t stand it is how blacks who choose something other than the Democratic Party are treated. I’m sorry. I didn’t know I was automatically programmed to be a Democrat just because I’m black. Darn that faulty programming! "Sell out!", "Uncle Tom!", "House N*****!" and "Aunt Jemima!" (Love that syrup by the way) are a few choice words white and black liberals have for black conservatives and Republicans. Okay, okay. Let me explain something to some of the liberals who take part in kindergarten tactics like this. If you’re trying to encourage someone to become something that you are, calling them names is not the way to go. It’s like those few Christians that literally scream at homosexuals they are going to hell if they don’t stop being homosexual. It just gets them angry and they tune you out. A nice, civil conversation can get almost (ALMOST) anyone to listen and change, but putting someone down or using "scare tactics" is not going to get you on their A list anytime soon. Sometimes I wonder if most of the people who call anyone an "Uncle Tom" have actually read Uncle Tom’s Cabin (by Harriet Beecher Stowe). As my mom has pointed out to me on numerous occasions, Tom was a strong, black man. So...basically...someone would be paying me a compliment if they called me an "Uncle Tom". Nice...but then again...I’m not a guy...

Because I don’t play victim or love to use white racism to explain away my failures, some liberals have labeled me "not black". Chairman Julian Bond of the NAACP has also labeled people like me "puppets" of the Republican Party. "They should talk," was the response I got from my boyfriend once. No, really they shouldn’t. They’re losing my respect (and even my mom’s) faster than a walk to their National Headquarters (I live 8 blocks from them at the moment). You mean that the color of my skin will literally disappear and I will become as white (if not whiter) as Michael Jackson if refuse to vote Democrat?! Oh my gosh, Michael, you voted Republican didn’t you?! Condeleezza Rice, Colin Powell and Clarence Thomas are, by a liberal’s definition, "not black". But people like Jesse "Just Me" Jackson, Al "Reparations Now!" Sharpton and even Bill "I did not have sexual relationships with that woman" Clinton are. Oh, and just because Clarence Thomas married a white woman, it somehow deems him unable to handle things when it comes to people of his own race. Uh...yeah...okay... How did black liberals react to Thurgood Marshall’s Asian wife? Maybe something was said at first, but through the years I’ve never heard anything bad. But unlike his Republican "brother", Clarence Thomas + white wife = "race traitor". Whatever you say...

I am a black conservative Republican. I am not some self-loathing nut job and I’m not helping to "turn back the clock". I just feel that I should be able to be a part of ANY party I choose, even if it is the party that was brought together to abolish slavery, whose members passed the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments and whose members passed the Civil Rights Acts. If you believe the Democratic Party did all these things, you need to pick up a history book.

Oh and another boyfriend renounced his Democratic Party affliation the other day. And if you tell him he’s "not black" I’m not responsible for the sarcastic (yet funny) remark that will come out his mouth.


Blogger CNA said...

Keep it up!

12:36 PM  Edit Comment
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that your mom understood the true "Uncle Tom." I had a post on my site awhile back explaining what the character was really about. That book was very radical. Check it out if you like:

4:48 PM  Edit Comment
Blogger jon said...

i'm very glad you had an interesting title to your blog (i assumed you were perhaps black mixed with asian so i was curious) what i got was a long, thoughful post :)

just saying "hey"



6:49 PM  Edit Comment
Blogger Blogmomme said...

Log Cabin Republicans have more agency in their party than Uncle Tom Cabin Republicans do with Republicans. But, they are comfortable there so more power to them. Free market economy and neoconservatism helps you in your daily life how???

11:42 PM  Edit Comment

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