Friday, January 28, 2005

Whatever Happened to Good Old Fashioned Values?

Rogue Prom dresses and talks about Teen Sex were topics of this week that leave me sighing. What is going on with the world these days? Are traditional, "old-fashioned" values being shot and killed on sight? These such events reminded me today of an article I wrote last year. I posted this on a forum I frequent. This article dealt with my being sick of being called an "old-fashioned" girl as if it was something bad. When compared to what I could be....being old-fashioned seems SO much better....

You Say "Old-Fashioned" Like it's a Bad Thing
September 23, 2004

Call me old-fashioned if you want to, but I will no longer apologize for it.

I think being "old-fashioned" in this modern world is a good thing. Many people would disagree, but I don't care (I've learned not to care of what people thought of me since high school. It's too much work to satisfy everyone and then some people are never satisfied).

How is being "old-fashioned" better than being "modern"?

1.) "Old fashioned" girls know the value of their body.

I view my body as a temple, which only one man is allowed to enter and exit, my husband (if and when I get married). Because of the Feminist movement, many "modern" women (thanks to the "Sexual Revolution") view their bodies as a tool or as nothing, sleeping with everyone and everything under the moon. I have always wanted to wait until marriage and will continue to do so. I feel that the ultimate gift you can give to your husband is your virginity. Some people may say, "but your gift could be staying with him your entire life." The thought that goes through my mind when someone says this? "And what if he dies the next day?" (OOPS! OH WELL! So much for giving him my entire life!). I also feel that when I get married, I don't want to be "used". If someone blows their nose on a new hankerchief and then gives it to you (with the snot still on there), would you use it? I'd hope your answer would be no as mine would. So many people these days wait for "the one". But for many people "the one" becomes "a one". If I had waited for "the one", do you know how many people I would have slept with? I'll tell you the hankerchief would be dripping. In addition, I've noticed some people I've talked to will say, "I wish I could be a virgin again/would have stayed a virgin." You mean some people wish they would have waited?! Well, I'm not wishing, I am.

2.) "Old fashioned" girls know the value of a good man

So many "modern" women want themselves a "bad boy" these days. How some women are attracted to these kind of "men", I'll never know. But then these same "modern" women will turn around and complain about how there are no "good men" out there (Well if you'd get out of your "bad boy" relationship and stay out of them, and learn how to treat a "good man" well, maybe you'd find one and keep one!) when they're everywhere. Well, my "old fashioned" behind found one, so I don't know what your problem is (oh wait, yes I do). I treat my man with love and respect and he does the same for me. When he stops treating me like his queen then I'll stop treating him like my king. I encourage him, listen to him, tell him I love him, make him things (food or otherwise), massage his feet, snuggle (childhood word of mine for "cuddle") with him and do other things to show him I appreciate him. Feminism has taught "modern" women that men don't have feelings and to treat them like trash. "Modern" women, this belief is a backfire waiting to happen and I won't be one of the unlucky ones to experience it. "Garbage in, garbage out". If you treat your man like trash, don't be surprised if one day he starts doing the same thing to you.

3.) "Old fashioned" girls know the value of children

Today's "modern" women will have their 2.5 children and put them in daycare or give them to a nanny to take care of. I'll be darned if I take the time out to have children and then leave them with someone who isn't me. You had them, take care of them! If money allows, I want to stay home and raise my children. If not me, then my husband. I love children, especially babies. Yes, they can cry up a storm and annoy you half to death, but they are still the most precious thing God can give to you. "Modern" women will look at children as a set of "ball and chains" and some won't even think twice when their irresponsible, skanky behind aborts one (or two, or three, or....). Feminism has taught "modern" women that babies, (along with men) can weigh you down on your career. Life is about sacrifies, and this is one of those times when it is called for. If you don't want to sacrifice your life for children, then don't have them. My mom sacrified many a party/event/whatever to make sure I was with her at all times. I guess that's why I didn't mind when it was my first day at school. I had no "seperation anxiety" because there was no need for none. Women if you have children, TAKE CARE OF THEM!

4.) "Old fashioned" girls value the small things

"I'm sorry" can go a long way. I think that is one of the main reasons my boyfriend and I got together. It was this small thing, two words (three for you English Majors), that made me respect him a lot. Out of all the things this man has given me, my most favorite isn't the $200 ring/earing/necklace set, it's the $5 Kuroneko-sama from Trigun cat. There are many "modern" women out there who will DEMAND from their men stuff they know darn well they can't afford. What good is a 75 bedroom, 100 bathroom house if there is only 2 people living in it? What good is a high priced car that guzzles gas like no tomorrow if you have a station wagon (I always wanted one of these, and a periwinkle one at that) that lasts on $20 for two weeks? If you are so "independant", buy it your own darn self! I didn't beg and demand my boyfriend to buy the opal ring that's on my left hand. I bought it myself! Stop being a sheep to Feminism and buy it yourself!

I've also noticed that some modern women can't do ANYTHING! Cook, clean, sew, whatever!

Why the world would you WANT to subject yourself to Old Country Buffet/McDonalds/Perkins/Burger King/Insert-Other-Restuarant-Name-Here everyday is beyond me! It's much cheaper and healthier to make food at home! If you can't cook, learn! If you can't cook good, learn from someone who does! Your body and your children will thank you. At least you have no excuse to "let yourself go" and at least your children won't be subject to schoolyard taunting because their behind is too rollypolly to play tag!

I'm not going to front like I'm the "Queen of Clean", but when the filth gets too thick or trash gets too high, CLEAN! My godparents are a perfect example. Don't hire a housekeeper, do it yourself! Stop watching Ricky Lake, Jerry Springer or Oprah! Stop talking to those no good loser friends on the phone! Clean the house! Get "Cleaning for Dummies" if it helps! Make your house a clean haven, not a filthy nightmare.

I can't really remember when my mom taught me to sew, but it had to have been when I was around seven. I can sew buttons on shirts and pants, sew doll shirts, I can even sew up a hat (See Tony Tony Chopper from the anime "One Piece" to see what I'm talking about, antlers included). I've JUST learned how to use a sewing machine and with the extra time that I'll have not sewing by hand hope to sew up a nice bedroom set, clothes and even a nice nursery set for an old co-worker of mine expecting a baby. So many "modern" women can't thread a needle, let alone sew. I guess when a button falls off or something rips they throw it away. More money down the drain...

So being "old fashioned" is a bad thing? I beg to differ...

Thursday, January 27, 2005


Last night, I had a talk with a god-relative concerning topics such as Condoleezza Rice, the Republican Party, Colin Powell and Clarence Thomas. It really struck me that she thinks the following things.

She believes:

  • The Republicans didn't want Condoleezza Rice to be Secretary of State.
    If they didn't the Democrats that were against her really hogged the spotlight

  • The Republican Party was brought together to keep black people slaves.
    Last time I checked in my books or on educational sites like Houghton-McMillian(?) it was the Democratic Party...

  • The Republican Party had nothing to do with black people gaining civil rights.
    But they were the ones to pass the 13th, 14th, 15th ammendments and Civil Rights acts

  • The Republican Party is just a bunch of rich white men.
    A visit to Booker Rising and a couple of other sites will settle that quick, fast and in a hurry

  • Black people who go to the Republican Party are going for the money or they hate themselves.
    I'm neither rich or hate myself. My parents let me research and decide for myself. Yes, they're Democrat, STAUNCH Democrat.
  • If only Colin Powell had turned Democrat, he would have been President or Vice President.
    Why does it matter? If you like him, you like him, if you don't, you don't.

  • She just flat out HATES Clarence Thomas
    The reason? He's ugly and he's married to a white woman. Oy vey...

And the kicker....

  • Bill Clinton was the best president (being the first "black one" and all) EVER.
    I'm not touching this one. Not that I don't think he was a good president, just not the best one ever...

I love her, but where did she learn some of this stuff? I'm kinda scared to tell her Frederick Douglass was a libertarian Radical Republican...

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Ronald McDonald, the Great Fast Food Satan?

According to WorldNetDaily, the happy, clown mascot along with other animated characters could be seeing themselves on a commercials banned in Europe TV special. Europe, also battling with obesity not only in adults, but in children, sees this option as a means of curtailing the problem. McDonald's, McDonald's...*sigh*...making people fat in not only America, but Europe is well...

Can I have a side of Blame with that Too, Please?
January 23, 2005

A while back ago McDonald's was facing lawsuits brought on by obese patrons of the international franchise. Citing they had become fat thanks to McDonald's, some also suffered from ailments such as diabetes, high blood pressure and other illnesses associated with obesity. They wanted McDonald's to know what it had done to them and that they should pay the price.

I laughed.

I couldn't believe that these people didn't know what personal responsibility and restraint was. Common sense will tell you, "hey if I eat too much of this fast food and don't balance it out with good, healthy food and exercise, I run the risk of becoming obese." But not these people. Common sense to them seemed to rival that of the coffee lady a few years back who actually got rewarded for her lack thereof. How could they honestly stand before the judge and not claim responsibility for their own actions? McDonald's is not your mother, McDonald's will never BE your mother. As long as McDonald's is getting your money, they are all right. Why should they have to care about your health when you don't even care about yours? Nobody's putting a gun to your head everyday saying, "You better go to McDonald's and get the most fattiest, calorie laden meal they have and oh yeah, tell them to Super Size it!"

Speaking of "Super Sizing it" several months back an independent film came out called "Super Size Me." Morgan Spurlock, the director and chief role in the movie decides to eat nothing but McDonald's for an entire month and documents it. Notice I said "decides", as he himself decided to eat at McDonald's for a full month, his girlfriend didn't decide for him, his doctor didn't decide for him. Health problems and *gasp* weight gain ensue as every time he is asked, he agrees to have his meal "Super Sized". Other willing participants in the movie begin to tell Spurlock to abandon ship, the cost, monetary and physically becoming too much. Also within the movie, Spurlock journeys across the country interviewing experts, teachers, lawmakers and legislators on their thoughts of obese America. Some believe it is the fault of those partaking of the food, others believe it is the fault of those making the food. I know I am "misquoting" here, but what ever happened to "my body, my choice"? If you choose to eat fast food and get fat, hey, it was your choice to begin with.

Since the lawsuits, McDonald's (and other fast food chains) has begun to open up its menu to more healthier choices. Salads, milk, applesauce and other options adorn the wall menu above the registers. The only problem is even with all these new, healthy options, it doesn't guarantee people are going to do the right thing and pick them. In the end, it is still left up to personal choice and responsibility.

And my personal choice, is to continue eating at Burger King.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

To all the babies I'll never see smile...and the mothers who won't either

I know I'm a little late, but today is the 32nd anniversary of Roe vs. Wade.

32 years of a "right" that never should have happened. And because of a change of heart, "Jane Roe" thinks the same.

A couple months ago, my pastor addressed those women who had had an abortion during service. He didn't give belittling words or words of anger, he gave them words of encouragement and hope. Those who had had abortions began to come up to the alter as he spoke. The number of women, not a small amount to say the least, all had one thing in common. They had regreted their abortion.

I love children. I've wanted children since forever. It had been a dream of mine when I was a little girl in 3rd grade to have sextuplets (with God's help of course ^_^). Every time I see a child it brings a smile to my face. To see a woman who is about to bring life into this world makes me want to be able to do the same one day. To one day hold a child myself, my husband and God helped create will be the greatest reward and honor.

Some women will never be able to do this. Either because of selfishness or misinformation and pressure. They will never be able to see their child, to calm them when they cry, to hold them when they sleep, to laugh when they laugh. All because they had an abortion. Some of these women will be able to one day have another child, others find that they have been sterilized because of their abortion....and others will never wake up from the abortion table. Roe vs. Wade was supposed to give a women a "legal" and "safe" abortion. They got the legal part right.

To all the women who have had an abortion, my heart goes out to you, whether you regret it or not. Though your child is not with you in body, they are with you in spirit. And though they are not in your home safe in your loving arms, they are in Heaven safe in the loving arms of God.

Other blogs on this horrible day in history:
La Shawn Barber
Michelle Malkin


For the last couple of days I've been reading Larry Elder's book "Showdown". It's a very interesting book. Within one of the chapters is a sub-chapter about "white guilt". "White guilt" is supposedly what white people of today should be feeling for slavery, even if their families never owned slaves. Whites, according to "white guilt", are the reason black people remain downtrodden, suffer so much racism or are unable to make something of themselves.

Yeah right...

Earlier this week we celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. Day. This should be a day of rejoicing, celebrating that we as black people have come a long way from back when he was alive. At a forummate's college however, they had a "racism workshop" or in other words, a "white guilt workshop". The speaker at this workshop did nothing but moan and complain about whites and that they are the reason why black people suffer.

I was going to post something else today. But Larry Elder's book coupled with the remembrance of this nonsense is making my post this.

Whitey is Black
December 23, 2004

For as long as can remember, the way white people had done black people wrong was a hot topic in my house. “White people have done (insert random atrocious deed here),” was more times than not uttered at the dinner table. As it was put, the white man was evil, is evil and will always be evil. They were racist and took pride in keeping black people down then, now and forever. When faced with questions of helping fellow blacks overcome these “apparent” injustices the excuses began to flow. “I’m too old.” or “I can’t do it.” Instead of taking up the torch to help black people better themselves, continuing to be a “victim of the white man” and complain was much easier to do. Some black people blame their bad situations on white people. If they weren’t able to be something in life or do something in life, it’s always white people’s fault. They honestly believe their decisions or attitudes never influenced anything. These same black people in their effort to keep “blaming whitey” do not want to look in the mirror and realize the truth. Whitey is black.

Some black people can not stand it when another black person speaks intelligently. We have to use “slang”, cuss words, demeaning words and fragments when talking to people. “Where them tickets is at?” or “What’s up, my “nigga”?” are two such examples of what comes out of black people’s mouths these days. If a black person does, however, speak without these “necessary” items, they are deemed to be “acting white”. But it’s not whites who sit there and label our intelligent, black “brothers and sisters” this, it’s our own people! To speak intelligently and be black seems to be as common as the NAACP talking good about the Republican party. It’s a sad day when I talk to someone on the phone and they think I’m white, or when a customer compliments me saying I speak “good English” after asking me how long I’ve been living in the US. Let me refresh your memory. Whitey is black.

Successful? Some black people say, “Not if you’re black!” Although under the Reagan presidency black businesses started to flourish, many black owned small businesses today continue to fail in the first year. Not because of the white man, but because of lack of support from the people it’s supposed to be there for, black people. When it comes to children, God forbid a black child actually uses school facilities to learn, graduate at the top of their class and then go to college. “What’s the matter? You think you too good enough for us now?” is sometimes more common than “Congratulations!” Some black people feel if you were born in the ghetto, you should stay in the ghetto. Those who try to make a better lifestyle for themselves and refuse to be a victim should be ridiculed and not praised. It’s funny how some black people are slow to congratulate one another on their successes, but so fast to “tell them so” when they fail. Hey, if they failed in their endeavors, so should the rest of their people. I will say it again. Whitey is black.

Through the years I have come to a realization that is more in your face than an army drill sergeant. Black people are the most racist people. Yes, you read that right. BLACK PEOPLE are the most racist people. And not just to other races, it is also to their own. In my own house, I used to hear the “n” word as much as I heard “honky” and “cracker”. Watching the Larry Elder (yes, a black man) Show shows you the attitudes of some blacks today. White people are not to be trusted, they stink, they lie, they cheat and they could care less about black people. Can’t be trusted, stink, lie, cheat and couldn’t care less about black people seems to be a black thing as well, so your point is? I recently saw one of Larry Elder’s shows where there was a guest, an employer, who wouldn’t hire people with “black” sounding names. The reason? People he encountered with “black” sounding names were “angry” and he didn’t want that anger to infest his smooth running business. “He must have been white!” I hear some black people reading this cry. Nope, this man was one of our own, a black man. Racism still does exist, I won’t deny that, but not as many black people envision it. Also, we need to take the race card out of the deck of life and burn it. Far too many black people use it as an excuse for their bad behavior or to get out of a situation. You didn’t hear Scott Peterson say, “You’re convicting me because I’m white! Or “I did this because I’m white!” Why should black people get away with such garbage? Envision and read my lips. Whitey is black.

Our jails are overrun with black boys and men (and even women) and some blacks are quick to point out it’s because of the white man. When it comes to non-violent offenses and it’s your first time, okay, maybe the judge and jury should be lenient. But when it’s your third, fourth and again, God forbid, your fifth time, you need a harsher sentence because something’s not getting through to you. You are in charge of your own decisions, not whitey. Whitey is not some omnipotent, God like, free will hating force that surrounds you from day to day. If you chose to kill that other homeless man for that plate of peas and corn, guess what, YOU chose to kill. As an article on (real) Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson’s “Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny” site puts it, “it’s crime, not race, that puts men behind bars”. The article goes on to explain how some people when aiming not to put anymore black men in jail, their own black men, found out firsthand that no matter what race you are, if you do the crime, you do the time. Dare I say it again? Whitey is black.

You can deny it and refuse to see it all you want, but the truth remains and will always remain. Black people, stop blaming your ills on other people, especially white people. The scapegoat has grazed, fattened, been slaughtered, cooked and eaten. Like Larry Elder’s father once told him, “Don’t complain about your problems, ask what you can do about them.” Whitey is not keeping you down. YOU are keeping you down. Bitterness and animosity do not build and strengthen a person; they tear them down and weaken them. Staying a “victim of the white man” does nothing for you and the people around you and it certainly doesn’t excuse your behavior. So next time you want to sit and talk about how you’ve been wronged by the “white man”, look at yourself first. That brown skin will start looking pale in enough time. Whitey is black.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Together We Stand?

This week, Thursday to be exact, President Bush is set to have his inauguration speech. With lots of planned activities and lots of security, this day should be a day the nation comes together.

Not this year...

Angry Democrats/Liberals/people who don't like Bush and are STILL sore from the election (if I hear one more argument about voter disenfranchisement I'm going to hurl) want anyone and everyone to boycott anything dealing with Bush. Come on, you may not like him, but you're going about it all childish and wrong.

I didn't vote for Bush (AND I DIDN'T VOTE FOR KERRY), but he is America's president. It's a shame when grown people act like little children because they didn't get their way. The person I voted for didn't win, but you don't see me pouting.

A house divided shall fall....

Monday, January 17, 2005

Feminism's more than just a "cruel hoax"

With all the talk on MensNewsDaily about Ms. Dowd's recent article, people, not just women, must realize Feminism is not just a movement that has birthed so many selfish women seeking self-fulfillment, crying self-entitlement and "wanting it all", but that it is so much more. I am not a fan of modern feminism. My family knows it, my friends know it, my co-workers know it and my boyfriend definitetly knows it. Last year I wrote an article on what makes feminism a no go for me. It's amazing the words that come out of some of the most famous feminists' mouths...

Modern Feminism: The Anti-Marriage, Anti-Christian, Anti-Male, Anti-Child Movement
November 21, 2004

What is Feminism?

According to the American Heritage Dictionary, the term “Feminism”, a noun, is defined as:

“The belief in the social, political and economical equality of the sexes. The movement organized around this belief.”

Now, with a cut and dry definition like that, you’d think everyone would be running to become a feminist, right? Truth be told, they’re not. Some people, both men and women, are even against this movement. Feminism is not as cut and dry as it seems, nor is it as innocent. Many subcategories within Feminism paint it as a complex and even disturbing movement. Some of the more famous subcategories of Feminism are Amazon Feminism, Eco Feminism, Gender Feminism, Pop Feminism and Radical Feminism. There are many kinds of “feminisms” but their definitions all differ from the above dictionary definition and from each other.

Feminism: All about Equality and All Good?

Do Feminists really want equality? Some say they do. But if Feminism is only about “equal rights” or “equality of the sexes”, why only some want it and not all? Also, when presented with an opportunity to be treated equally with men, why do their actions prove otherwise (as in the case of their opposition to the University of California’s Proposition 209)? The truth is, many Feminists oppose equality between the sexes; instead, they want to dominate men because of supposed domination from them over the years. A “Liberated Woman, Boronia”, was featured in the Letter to the Editor section of Melbourne, Australia’s February 9th, 1996 edition of the Herald-Sun saying, “Who cares how men feel or what they do or whether they suffer? They have had over 2,000 years to dominate and made a complete hash of it. Now it is our turn. My only comment to men is, if you don't like it, bad luck - and if you get in my way I'll run you down.”1
Feminism usually boasts that it has brought about good changes in society with regards to women. Now a woman has a choice where there once was none. She now has the choice to vote, to have as many children as she wants, where she can work, etc. But you will never hear out of that same mouth about how Feminism has actually made women even more dependent on men and the government. According to Rachel Alexander’s article, The Problem with Today’s Feminism, “Feminism claims to empower women to become the equals of men. Yet the painful truth is that feminism has gradually metamorphosed into a movement that trains women to gain government imposed advantages over men, while at the same time remaining dependent upon men’s money and the government, all under the false rhetoric of “rights” and “empowerment.””2 But these two things are not the only “evils” of Feminism. In addition, not only is Feminism not about equality, it is anti-marriage, anti-Christian, anti-male and anti-child.

Feminism and Marriage:

“Since marriage constitutes slavery for women, it is clear that the women's movement must concentrate on attacking this institution. Freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage.” – Shelia Cronan, Radical Feminist leader

Do you know ever since Modern Feminism has been introduced in the United States, marriage rates have been declining and divorce rates are on the rise? In 1970, 68 percent of adults lived as married couples. By 1999, however, that figure was down to 56 percent. Also, there were 2.2 million couples married in 1999, but half of that number, 1.1 million, of married couples divorced that year. 1 million divorces have happened annually since the late 1970’s. In Canada, since the introduction of “no-fault” divorce, the percentage of divorce has gone up 600%.3 More and more wives today, two-thirds of the time, are initiating divorce (71.4% in 1975, 65% in 19884). Because laws work in a woman’s favor (read: bias toward men), the ex-wife is more than likely to get most of their property and custody of, if the relationship produced any, the children. The father, paying child support, will have to fight to see his children because of the mother’s own hostility and the courts seldom enforcing punishment for breach of visitation rights.

Feminism and the Bible:

“By the year 2000 we will, I hope, raise our children to believe in human potential, not God.” – Gloria Steinem, author of The Feminine Mystique

Can you be a Feminist and a Christian? Eco Feminism, one of the many types of Feminism, teaches its followers that anything female (spirit) is a goddess and anything male (matter) is therefore inferior. An old “New Age” philosophy known as Gnosticism, “to know” –ism, ties into this type. Gnosticism teaches that God is an idiot and that a female goddess, Sophia, also known as “Dame Wisdom”, is above Him. “Heavenly” Eve is shown as delivering Adam from ignorance instead of helping to bring sin into the world. Gnosticism also teaches women that self-realization and self-fulfillment are steps to becoming fully divine. Satan is shown as “an instructor” instead of “a tempter” like he is in the Bible. Jesus Christ, the one who died on the cross, is a laughing stock and not the true Savior.5 Anne Lori Gaylor’s quote from the 1988 Humanist reflects her feelings on Christ in regards to Feminism. “Let's forget about the mythical Jesus and look for encouragement, solace, and inspiration from real women. 2,000 years of patriarchal rule under the shadow of the cross ought to be enough to turn women towards the feminist salvation of the world.”

Feminism and Men:

“All men are rapists and that's all they are.” – Marilyn French, author of The Women's Room

Radical Feminists believe that men (patriarchal society) are the cause of their problems. They believe men, throughout all of history, are oppressors and that women are the oppressed. This teaching is the heart of “Women’s Studies” courses across the country. When not being deemed “oppressors” by feminists, men are also labeled as “incompetent” and “worthless”. Gone are the days where a man’s decisions were valued and upheld; now they are ignored, belittled and second-guessed. Back in the days when family was tight and first, family members could go to their husband/father with their problems and his input was appreciated. Men as husbands and fathers were respected by peers, were a hero in the eyes of his children and felt truly needed by his family. Now, in today’s America, men are idiots and are not needed when raising children. Through the years, the media has helped in perpetuating that men are worthless and idiots. Look on TV today and you are bound to find not only shows, but also commercials demeaning to men. Earthlink, AOL, Verizon, other companies and prime time shows have all had their share of portraying men in a negative light. One Eartlink commercial shows a woman, while talking to the viewer, using her Earthlink service to look up remedies as her bumbling husband outside does one stupid thing after another, getting hurt. A Verizon commercial that has been brought to light by Fatherhood activists features a clueless father who is told to go wash the dog by his wife instead of trying to help his daughter with her homework.6 Feminist propaganda has taught women children do not need a father to help raise them, when in actuality they do. Not only is this teaching welcoming unneeded single-parent motherhood, it is welcoming a child with future problems down the road if other role models are not present.

Feminism and Children:

“The most merciful thing a large family can do to one of its infant members is to kill it.” – Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood

Children are the most unfortunate when it comes to Feminism. In the Feminist mind, children are seen as one of the “obstacles” they must overcome in order to achieve self-fulfillment. Since Roe vs. Wade, more than an estimated 36.5 million7 children will never be born, most of whom had no deformities, no illnesses or whose mother was not in any danger when carrying them. For the children already on this earth, instead of being at home in the arms of a loving stay-at-home mother (which Feminist author Simone de Beauvoir says women shouldn’t “be authorized” to do) or father they are in a daycare with other children whose mothers aim for self-fulfillment also (or whose parents are not able to live on one income). Armed with the Feminist belief of “having it all”, many women will wait until later on in life (after they have fulfilled themselves job wise) to have children. These women, who usually are in their 30s, will find it hard to get pregnant. Women who are past the age of 27, the age when fertility starts to drop, will either have to rely on fertility drugs, adoption or give up on having children altogether. The longer a woman waits to have children, the smaller her chances of having a child are. Some women do have children in their 40s, 50s and 60s but they are the exception, not the rule.


Saturday, January 15, 2005

It's about time!

From National Review Online:

You, Go, Girlfriends
Essence vs. hip hop.
Myrna Blyth

The editors of Essence, the largest and most successful magazine for African-American women, have started a campaign that deserves both attention and applause. They are protesting the demeaning images of black women in hip-hop lyrics and videos. As editor-in-chief Diane Weathers writes in her letter to readers in the January issue, "Black women now have the tragic distinction of being objectified, stereotyped and dehumanized in so much of Black popular music and lyrics. But it doesn't have to be this way. "
In a feature entitled "
Take Back the Music," the editors expand on this gutsy declaration. "In videos we see bikini-clad sisters gyrating around fully clothed grinning brothers like Vegas strippers on meth. When we search for ourselves in music lyrics, mixtapes and DVDs and on the pages of hip-hop magazines, we only seem to find our bare breasts and butts.... The damage of this imbalanced portrayal of Black women is impossible to measure. An entire generation of Black girls are being raised on these narrow images... And the message and images are broadcast globally, they have become the lens through which world now sees us. This cannot continue."
Michaela Angela Davis, Essence's beauty and fashion manager, and a member of the committee charged with overseeing the campaign, told me "In the office we were all grumbling about this. We kept saying it has to change but it isn't going to change on its own. We have to do something about this."
Diane Weathers writes that the editors were impressed by a protest campaign a group called Dads & Daughters waged against Abercrombie & Fitch, when the retailer crossed the line with a hypersexual advertising campaign aimed at white suburban teenagers. She also says they were inspired by the young women at Spelman College who protested a visit from the rapper Nelly, causing him to cancel an appearance.
When I told Michaela that Essence was to be commended for expressing a very appropriate — and conservative — point of view, she didn't want to agree. "I don't think it is a conservative point of view. We are not saying it is all wrong. Personally I like a lot of the music. I started my career at Vibe. I have been a stylist for some music videos. The problem is it's the only thing we have to choose from, the only images we see of Black women. We don't want to shut it down but we do want to bring more balance to the way Black women are described and depicted.'
In the feature, a variety of black women and men, some involved in the music industry, share their experiences and opinions. Moya Bailey, a Spelman senior who was part of the anti-Nelly protest, notes "I know people who have been on exchange programs to another country, say South Africa or Brazil, and they've had people approach them...thinking they were prostitutes...just because of the images they have of American Black women."
Others complain that it is the fault of the record companies. Writes Fatima Robinson, a video director, "I have problems all the time getting work because I refuse to write the treatments that record companies want — hot girls, cars, palm trees and so on." While some like Debra Lee, the president of BET Holdings tries to put the blame on the public. "If more people are asking for it, and like it...who's to say it's wrong? If artists put out videos like this and people don't like it, they should vote at the record store." Rapper Nelly, who claims he's an "artist" and that "people don't respect what [rappers] do as art, " simply wants to blame the girls, of course. "Women are in these videos by choice," he whines.
But my favorite dodge is offered by Russell Simmons, the self-promoting hip-hop mogul, who was, amazingly, included along with Thomas Edison in Sir Harry Evans, new book about innovators,
They Made America. Simmons was also featured on the first in a series of PBS documentaries based on the book.
Simmons declares: "Although these records and videos are offensive, young girls can learn a lot about the mind-set of the young guys they're going to school with. Now that the truth is out there more, young girls can learn how to deal with guys."
I get it. Those videos that show scantily clad young girls on leashes being pulled along by pimps are educational! And Russell doesn't even seem to notice that with his comment, he is insulting young black men as well as black women.
Michaela says the campaign will continue for a year, with a meeting planned at Spelman College in February. There is also a study in the works on how young girls who watch hours of music videos are affected, as well as a report on the economics of the music business. "We have lots of anecdotal information, now we want more data to support the way we all feel."
Michaela who is the mother of a 14-year-old daughter is especially interested in this important, admirable campaign. "On our music committee there are young women, mothers, even a grandmother. The editors at Essence are just glad we are here in this place and able to have this conversation. It is one we know we need to have. We are all so committed. "
By the way, I just had to ask Michaela Angela Davis if she was, as I assumed, named after black-power activist Angela Davis. She laughed, "I'm 40 years old. Angela Davis wasn't famous when I was born. My mother studied in Italy. I was named for Michelangelo!"

Finally! But I'm wondering why it took this long. I stopped listening to rap back in the early 90's right before the ushering in of "gansta rap". Rap has just become a medium for bad stereotypes and bad behavior. Yeah, the rappers should be held accountable, but those women in the videos didn't exactly have a gun pointed to their heads either.

Friday, January 14, 2005


I don’t have a Ph.D. or a M.D. Neither do I have a G.E.D, but I do have a B.A. not full of B.S. I’m no psychiatrist or psychologist, just a writer and graphic artist. Welcome to "Chocolate Covered Banana", my first blog! My name is Jade. Enjoy your stay. This place houses some of my thoughts turned words. Some writings are thoughts featured on other sites, while others head straight to here. Here I talk about things that are on my mind or on my heart.

A little bit about myself: I am a twenty-two year old, black female. I am my mommy's little "radical". By that, I mean I am something that many like myself are not. I'm black, but my voter registration card will never say Democrat, I'm female, but you'll never catch me dead reading Ms. Magazine. In other areas, my music of choice is not rap, but soft rock 80's (I love you, Phil Collins!) and I don't have any "babies daddies", let alone babies. "Stereo" does not describe my scenario. The people listed to my page's right are my role models and remind me I am not alone in the many things I believe and think. I like the wittiness of Ann Coulter, the charm of Ben Chapiro, the wisdom of Bill Cosby and Mychal Massie, the anti-feminist spirit of Carey Roberts and Phyllis Schlafly, the determination of D. West, the common sense of Dr. Laura, the in your faceness of the "Gonzman", the intellect of La Shawn Barber, the take charge attitude of Larry Elder, the sense of humor of Niger Innis, the uniqueness of Michelle Malkin, the funny sarcasm of Mike Adams, the drive (to help others) of Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson and Star Parker, the spirituality of T.D. Jakes and the no-nonsense attitude of Walter E. Williams.

Well, like I said before, enjoy your stay. And when you've had enough of my site, you may want to visit the other sites listed in my links section. They are quite...interesting...